
Do you constantly struggle to breathe through your nose? Is it challenging to get enough air when you’re working out?

You might have a nasal obstruction. Chronic nasal obstruction can make exercising, sleeping, and focusing at work challenging.

With VivAer, you can find long-lasting relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of nasal obstruction. Keep reading to learn more about nasal obstruction and why, if you’re constantly congested, it could be time for VivAer!

What is a Nasal Obstruction?

A nasal obstruction occurs when blockages of the nasal cavity limit normal airflow in and out of the nose. One or both of your nostrils may be affected.

What Causes an Airway Obstruction?

A nasal obstruction is often caused by an anatomical blockage or nasal tissue swelling that narrows the nasal valve, which extends from the middle of the nose to the bottom.

It comprises the turbinates, lateral nasal walls, and septum. Some common causes of nasal obstruction include enlarged turbinates, nasal valve collapse, and a deviated septum.


Turbinates are tiny finger-shaped tissues that extend into your nasal cavity. They clean, humidify, and moisten the air you breathe.

If turbinates become swollen, they may obstruct the airway, affecting airflow.

Lateral Nasal Walls

The outer walls of the nose or the lateral nasal walls are made of tissue and cartilage. These walls form your nostrils and nasal cavities.

If the walls weaken, they may collapse while inhaling, causing a blockage.


The septum is the thin wall in the middle of the nose. When it’s crooked or bent, it can cause a blockage.

What are the Symptoms of Nasal Obstruction?

The signs of a nasal obstruction include:

  • Snoring
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Chronic congestion
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Persistent nasal blockage or obstruction
  • Inability to get sufficient air during physical activities

How is a Nasal Obstruction Treated?

Previously, nasal obstruction treatment was limited to temporary solutions like breathing strips, medications, and nasal sprays, offering only short-term relief for patients experiencing uncomfortable symptoms. The other option was surgery.

Although effective, surgical interventions proved painful and invasive with a longer recovery time. Now, your ENT specialist at Indianapolis Sinus Center may be able to provide long-term relief without surgery using VivAer.

What is VivAer?

VivAer is an innovative, non-surgical procedure for alleviating nasal obstruction. It features a wand-like stylus that utilizes targeted radiofrequency energy to improve airflow for easier breathing.

VivAer is performed in minutes in-office at Indianapolis Sinus Center by your ENT specialist. It offers long-term relief, all without invasive surgery or extended recovery periods.

How Does VivAer Work?

Your ENT specialist may order a CT scan to provide them with a comprehensive view of your nasal passages. The scan can reveal structural issues contributing to nasal obstruction, such as valve collapse or enlarged turbinates.

Using the results of your CT scan, your ENT specialist can customize VivAer to address specific nasal obstructions and enhance the outcome.

Treatment starts with local anesthesia to numb the inside of your nose, ensuring comfort throughout the procedure.

Your ENT specialist will then insert VivAer styluses into your nostrils, one at a time. The stylus uses low-temperature radiofrequency energy to heat and remodel nasal tissues.

During the procedure, your ENT specialist may:

  • Reduce soft tissue on the septum
  • Shrink submucosal tissue of the turbinates
  • Reshape soft tissue, including cartilage
  • Tighten tissues within the nasal passages

You may experience slight pressure as VivAer remodels the area. VivAer gently and permanently remodels your nasal valves, creating more space.

Widening your nasal valve improves airflow and breathing. The procedure only takes 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Most patients notice an improvement in their breathing right after the treatment.

What is Recovery like After VivAer?

Unlike more invasive surgical methods, VivAer does not remove tissue from your nose, and no stitches or incisions are needed.

As a result, VivAer has no downtime. Most patients return to regular activities shortly after the procedure.

Because VivAer is a non-invasive treatment, minor post-op side effects resolve quickly. You may experience tenderness at the treatment site. You’ll also have some nasal congestion for about a week.

Some patients experience mild swelling, which is temporary and lasts a few weeks as the nose heals. Additionally, you’ll notice some crusting for about 2 to 3 weeks. Don’t pick at the crusting; it will extend your healing time.

Your ENT specialist will prescribe some ointment to apply inside your nostrils to keep them comfortable and prevent excessive crusting. Apply the ointment as prescribed.

They may also recommend saline sprays. Use saline sprays as often as suggested to moisturize your nostrils, prevent uncomfortable dryness, and dissolve some crusting.

If you need to blow your nose, do it gently, and don’t manipulate or pinch it.

How Long Do the Results of VivAer Last?

Vivier offers long-term relief from the bothersome symptoms of nasal obstruction, and it has been clinically proven. Clinical studies demonstrated that VivAer is an effective and safe procedure. Patients sustained four-year symptom improvement.

Am I a Good Candidate for VivAer?

To know whether you could be a candidate for VivAer, take this quick and easy test.

Cottle’s Maneuver

Place two fingertips on your cheeks on either side of the nose. Then, gently pull outward and inhale deeply. Is it easier to breathe in this position? If so, you may be a good VivAer candidate.

You can take the NOSE Score test if you’re still unsure after trying Cottle’s maneuver.

NOSE Score Test

The NOSE Score test is an online survey measuring the severity of nasal obstruction. It has five questions and uses a 20-point scale to capture your symptoms.

A higher score indicates more severe nasal obstruction. If you get a score of 50 or higher, you may be a suitable candidate for VivAer.

Breathe Easy Again with VivAer

If your nose is constantly stuffy and nothing seems to help, you could have nasal congestion. The good news is that getting VivAer at Indianapolis Sinus Center can offer long-term relief from the bothersome symptoms of nasal obstruction.

Are you looking for an effective treatment for a nasal obstruction? Schedule your appointment today at Indianapolis Sinus Center in Greenwood, IN, to determine whether VivAer could be right for you.